Mission to Mars

Cognia STEM Certification

Cognia STEM Provider Certified

Taking STEM Programs to the Next Level

Engineer For Kids STEM Cognia Certification

You already know that Engineering For Kids makes learning fun for children through a variety of engaging experiments, courses, after-school programs, and camps. We are helping build the country’s future thought leaders by challenging and enriching young minds everywhere. But did you know that we have elevated our programs even further by becoming the only after-school STEM program provider to earn a STEM Program Certification from Cognia?

Cognia is a globally-recognized nonprofit group that partners with and supports educators like us to create the very best STEM programs for students. Cognia is trusted from coast to coast to assess educational institutions and provide accreditations and certifications to those who have met their high standards. In fact, Cognia is the largest accreditation agency in this field in the world.

What Does It Mean to Be Cognia Certified?

Cognia certification is not something that just any educational institution can earn. It is reserved only for those who are providing truly next-level programs that encourage and enable children to learn, engage, and grow. In other words, if your child has a budding interest in STEM, you know you can trust Engineering For Kids to help them flourish with our Cognia-certified STEM-centric programs and curriculum.

Your student can discover the wonders of the following STEM curriculums:

Our Cognia STEM Provider Certification proves we have carefully developed our programs and courses to give your child the full scope of their studies and the importance of careers in STEM. Pairing our Cognia certification with our teams of enthusiastic educators, we are poised to spark your child’s lifelong interest in STEM that no other private educational providers like us in the country can claim.

How Did We Earn Our Cognia Certification?

Becoming Cognia certified was not easy. Cognia has an in-depth assessment and accreditation process meant to bring forth and recognize the most esteemed and worthy educators and educational institutions. Our top-line leaders from Engineering For Kids met with Cognia representatives for reviews, meetings, interviews, and other planning sessions. We were happy to take on the challenge of proving ourselves and our programs to Cognia because we proudly stand behind what we do and how we enlighten minds hungry for knowledge.

Our STEM-centric programs and curriculums had to meet Cognia’s high requirements, such as:

  • Supporting increased student participation and engagement.
  • Creating a learning environment that combined collaboration with independence.
  • Presenting students with uniquely complex yet solvable problems.
  • Showcasing our educators’ abilities to effectively teach students of various ages.
  • Tying STEM courses to real-world applications and issues.
  • Tracking student progress accurately to celebrate success and plan further improvements.

The list of requirements and standards goes on. Once again, we are proud to have met and exceeded Cognia’s expectations, earning our certification. We know parents like you trust in us to help their children discover and love STEM, so we want to do whatever we can to earn and keep that trust.

Contact your local Engineering For Kids center to learn more about our Cognia STEM Provider Certification, or to ask about our Junior, Apprentice, and Master programs for young minds.

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Out of This World Reviews

Jo P.

It's fun and educational, it provides opportunities to kids and teaches them about life.

Melissa F.

I was amazed by the brilliance.

Kyleigh T.

Engineering For Kids classes are so fun and you get to learn new things about engineering each day.

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